Check out what we are up to this
2024 winter season
by checking out our Facebook Page
The Creekers
CCCT’s seniors (55+) acting troupe, provides Westside seniors increased exposure to the many benefits of the performing arts. This activity is an amazing, anti-aging venue for social connection, physical/mental exercise, improving and/or learning new skills, and inspiring one’s creativity as well as giving back to the community. All are included on the top-ten list of “secrets to successful seniorhood!”
The Creekers--new to live theatre--can explore its many aspects (on, in-front-of or behind the stage). It provides a broad range of areas to suit almost everyone. Creekers with theatre experience, can refresh skills as well as explore new theatrical interests. All this at a slower pace without the stressors that go with main-stream productions.
Meetings and rehearsals are held throughout the year and offer skill-building sessions as well as the opportunity to create/develop, produce, promote, write, share and laugh! Outreach performances are held twice a year.
Join us to experience all, or part of the action.
Email us at crossingcreektheatre@gmail.com for more information!
The Creekers' Spring Meeting
The Creekers will be meeting to discuss our next four scheduled Spring outreach performances, events and meet ups.
When: Saturday, February 15th at 1pm
Where: Lower Level at Powers Creek Church
3718 Glenway Rd, West Kelowna
Newcomers Welcome!
Plan to join us to see what senior's theatre is all about!
Please email us if you would like further information.
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